GraphiCode is a pleased to provide considerable enhancements to existing functionality as well as a brand new feature for the 8.4 release.
Enhancements include:
Auto-Create Arc
Two-point arc creation now includes an automatic pop-up that aids the user in “finishing” the arc. The user can specify between 90 degrees, 180 degrees, custom angle and manual.
Advanced Stencil Editing Supports Rounded Rectangles
Per requests from users in the stencil industry, the Advanced Stencil Editing options Home Plate Creation, Create ‘C’ Pads and Pad Split now support rounded rectangles. As not every rounded rectangle aperture is not drawn in the same way the function attempts to identify the radius of the corners irrespective of construction. If the pad is constructed poorly then a warning message is presented to the user.
New Script Icons
Several new script icons have been added to the Tools > Customize > Commands > Scripts in order to provide users with more distinction when using multiple script icons.
New Feature:
Create Roundie Apertures
Due to customer demand, the Advanced Stencil Editing suite now includes the ability to Create Roundie Apertures. This allows for the creation of custom pads with rounded corners on both inside and outside corners.
Customers can visit to read the full release notes and download the latest version. GC-PowerPlatform encompasses all of GraphiCode’s well-known products. GC-Prevue, GC-PrevuePlus, GC-CAM Edit, GC-PowerStation and GC-PowerPlace all benefit from the numerous enhancements and bug fixes.
The GC-PowerPlatform suite of products runs on the industry standard Windows platform, essentially eliminating the need to run expensive workstations. Flexible input and powerful outputs combined with enhanced CAM functionality result in higher throughput and lower costs. The Annual Support Plan (not necessary for GC-Prevue) continues to provide exceptional value for money with support provided on an as needed basis and four scheduled updates per year.